
The Research Cluster Human Security & Resource Governance is an online-information-forum and research portal for the study of contemporary human security and resource governance. The core objective is to facilitate inter-disciplinary collaboration and make academic research and teaching on human security, peacebuilding, and resource governance available to a wider audience.

The research cluster publishes short research-based material on contemporary developments or recent research results and provides a space for sharing academic resources and teaching material. The research cluster is a not for profit project and was originally initiated by a team of researchers that started to work on human security in 2003 (formerly the Working Group on the Theory and Practice of Human Security, based at the Philipps-University Marburg). 

The Research Cluster Human Security & Resource Governance  focuses on the links between human security, conflict, and peacebuilding, with a particular emphasis on peacebuilding-processes in post-conflict contexts.

The work is based on an understanding of the idea of human security in its broadest sense, and includes food, as well as environmental, economic, health, political and personal, and communal security.

Some research areas we currently focus on:

  • Human security in conflict and post-conflict contexts
  • Human security and its links to resource governance
  • Conflict/post-conflict institutional building
  • Local Potentials for Peace: Strategies to Sustain Peace in Times of War


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