This is the companion blog of the research cluster on human security which is published at irregular intervals and supervised by a group of like-minded scholars. Like other publications of the research cluster, the blog takes an interdisciplinary look at issues related to human security.
However, while the reseach cluster on human security is dedicated to publishing research and teaching resources along with high-quality academic research the blog provides a flexible and responsive, interactive platform for the dissemination of information, analysis and insight into broader topics related to human security. We intend to become a key hub, agora and repository for everyone interested in human security. We will publish original academically informed, yet accessible commentary and analysis of contemporary and historical issues relating to human security and resource governance; high quality journalism and essays including long-reads; reviews and engagements with issue-relevant literature, visual art, architecture, urbanism, film, music and drama; photo and video essays, poetry and a variety of multi-media.
We will re-blog and re-post from elsewhere to build issue-related networks, but we prioritise original content and so WE WANT YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS.